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Utility Information

We want to work with all electric distribution utilities to aggregate their data with's existing 800+ tracked utilities.

The outage information on is used by government agencies, news agencies, public and private companies, other utilities, and the general public.
We also help alleviate server load on existing Outage Management Systems, as organizations and the general public are able to access the high-level data they want via, instead of having to load data from your system. Leaving your system more available for direct customers to get detailed information.

If your utility already has outage data available via an Outage Management System, or other API accessible interface, we can quickly set up a data integration with no effort, new processes, or new systems on your end.
If your utility does not have an accessible data endpoint, we can work with you to set up a push process to push data to

Utilities can contact us at any time with questions:
For general inquiries:
or see our about page for more contact options.

Issues with our data integration?

If you see an issue with a current data integration, please email
If you are a utility representative, please contact us with an email address matching the domain of your utility's website for verification.
Include a description of your issue and what you would like to change; we would love to work with you on a solution that keeps you happy and our system up-to-date!